Sunday, November 6, 2011

If you see the stunning color patterns of koi carp, it is easy to see why the Japanese chose to so proud of their creative capacities and raising koi fish to produce exciting color combination. This is one of the most important reasons, Koi carp are still popular and well loved by their owners and managers.
When searching for a koi fish, make sure their colors are bright - red fish should be bright red and black fish have a dark, must be dyed jet black. Koi koi matte black or dandruff, spots or gray patches are not maintained in fish such as white fish, not white as snow, but the yellowing or spotted with gray.
Bright colors show koi healthy and when they are ill or who live in poor water conditions, they change color and become dull. When buying koi, it is important to understand how the color reflects the health of koi and this will help you buy a fish well kept. Koi Fish needs attention and care.
Keep an eye on the color changes, this will help you make sure you give your fish adequate care.
Koi fish in a variety of beautiful colors, the most popular are the red, white, black, blue, yellow and white. The Japanese have just established some explicit words and phrases to describe the different colors and patterns of koi.
Breeders have also detected and identified a number of categories are used to distinguish the different species. The most popular category is the category Gosanke the Kohaku, Taisho and Showa Sanshoki Sanshoki contains types of koi.
The Kohaku is white koi with red spots. When you buy a Kohaku koi, snow white and bright red marks, edges discrete look. These red flags should be limited to 50-70% of the entire body of the koi.
Taisho Sanshoki koi (popularly known as the Taisho Sanke Sanke, or simply known) is a white fish with red and lush black marks. Similar to the Kohaku, make sure the fish has a white body of snow with beautiful dark red and black marks.
Related to the Showa Sanke Koi Sanshoki (or only Showa) koi fish colored with black markings and white and red. Unlike the Sanke, Showa koi but they have a black body with white markings and red.
Many other types of Koi available, each with their different color models. Consider Ogon Koi, which exist in a variety of colors, but are composed of a color. In other words, they have no markings and a shadow. You can even change the color with the seasons Komonryu koi!
The good news is that your Koi improve health - in this case color. Feed them with a diet rich in calendula, shrimp, plankton and blue-green algae (spirulina). These ingredients are generally commercially prepared foods, which included specifically to enhance the colors of koi.
You can also feed your Koi with frozen foods like brine shrimp and Daphnia. This diet is rich in high concentrations of carotenoid pigments, which are predominant in skin pigments Koi.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Types and Varieties

Is it any wonder that more and more to see the world in the underwater world of Koi draw?

After the historical growth of popularity in the early 20th century, from its humble beginnings as a humble food in China is a fascinating object of beauty in Japan, the Koi a special place in the heart of many because of its growing established range of colors, patterns and scaling.

These days, what was once a fish with a limited selection, the world has become a precious commodity, by an explosion in livestock growing and breeding programs. These breeding programs have some samples of koi most beautiful and spectacular product ever seen.

If the magic of koi first catches your interest, you should have a basic understanding of Japanese koi to win the jargon of the 13 classes of koi that have established over the years to enjoy. Each of these classes (and subclasses) Japanese nomenclature used to define the characteristics of the koi.

In the simplest terms, there are three essential characteristics, including color and color pattern, scale and brightness. The long-term attractiveness of the koi is that everyone is unique - no two are alike. It can be colored koi and koi with subtle, soft sounds. Here you can find koi covered from head to foot with scales and other scaleless. There are koi that are metal, with or without gas, or dull and koi, the. Monochrome or multicolor

For fans, the most important points must be included:
In the early days it was just one or two colors - colors and patterns. With the passage of time and extensive farming, there are now a variety of colors to choose from, and while the colors are usually also shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, ivory, black and gray there are additional features of the structure and the color combination. For example, the solid foundation of color have one or more brands of different color. These labels can be spread over the greater part of the body or develop on a single body part. On the other hand, could the color of a fish with no marks at all. The possibilities are incredible!

Non-metallic koi - are grouped on the basis of their base color. These groups are then broken down according to their accent colors and features. Identification of each color, style and function has a Japanese name. So everybody has the names of varieties of koi can be composed of several parts, to specify one of these properties.

Metallic Koi - are grouped according to the reflexive nature of their scales. Metallic Koi are also known as Hikari koi from the Japanese word "Hikari" indicates "Shiny" identified. These koi are further divided into three groups on the Hikari Muji (mono-color and glossy), the Utsuri Hikari (lights and shiny) and Hikari Moyo (platinum with brilliant red or yellow) divided.

Types of scale
Doitsu refers to koi leather skin and scales, or concerning the mirror koi-scale, which scales much larger on each side. Doitsu can appear both metallic and non metallic koi, but they are very rare. "Doitsu" comes from the Japanese word for "German" after the German carp.

Koi KinGinRin refers to those with highly reflective scales. These scales focus are very popular and have been raised in many varieties of koi. Position of these scales can be divided into the Kinrin Koi (gold), where the balance of a basic color red, or Ginrin (silver), where the scales are on a base color white or black.

Classes of Koi
In the category Metal Koi, there are 9 main categories and the non-metallic, there are only three, but within each class, there are often many subclasses.

Classes of non-metallic koi include:

Asagi - a stomach with blue back red / blue white scales on the trailing edges, which are to produce a net present / red cheeks and pectoral fins and the head is blue and white

Bekko - opposite the Bekko Utsuri has a solid base color red, white or yellow with black spots (sumi). The head of a Bekko must always be clean, unmarked Sumi.

Kawarimono - Includes all varieties that are not able to be classified in one of the standard types of koi

Kohaku - the most popular varieties of Koi is a two-tone, non-metallic koi with white base color with red (hi) markings crowned evenly distributed over the body, but not the key, not the fin or tail

Koromo - literally means "dressed" or "dressed". The Koromo is a cross between Asagi and Kohaku koi. He has a foundation of pure white with the network scale Asagi only notable difference in the red, textured surfaces

Sanke - a white base color uniformly red (hello) and black (sumi) distribution model through the body.

Showa - the base color black with red and white marks. The early Showa had more red than black and white, but more recently, increased quantities of white, making it difficult to differentiate from Sanke. Unlike the Sanke, Showa, plus a black pattern on its head.

Tancho - Tancho crane after the only ones with a red spot on his head was above named, is the class of up Tancho Koi varieties Kohaku, Sanke and Showa, which also sports a well-placed red (hello) on his head.

Metallic Koi classes include:

Hikari Muji - the koi are a solid metallic color. There are two sub-groups Matsuba, the color of gold, silver, gray or orange with a pattern of pine cones. The other subgroup is the Ogon, once solid, metallic colors, or gold, silver (platinum), orange or red and white, but the model pine cone. The Ogon red and white metal is basically a form of Kohaku.

Hikari Utsuri - version Utsuri metal or Showa - that is, metallic red, black and white.

Hikari Moyo - colorful koi plate, with red or yellow.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Koi-Trofical Fish

Koi carp are part of the same species of fish such as carp, koi carp from a distance, the view most domesticated. The Japanese are also breeders of origin of the beautiful Koi fish and initiatives so far accepted the 1820's. Koi carp or koi are probably the reasons most frequently used in the Japanese tradition adopted.Koi carp
Beautiful colors, charm and long life - these are some of the main reasons why koi carp ponds are popular garden taps. Koi fish appear in many different colors and patterns, once you start organizing, you want to make your pond with so many different ways that you can camp. The impressive number of patterns and colors populate the main factor for the lovers of their Koi ponds with Koi fish.
In these days of koi fish are freshwater most popular ornamental in the world. Although many people see only as indicated in the lobby of his favorite Oriental restaurant, koi displayed high and high-end tournaments, like the same breed dogs throughout the world. They are by their red, white, black, blue, orange classified and / or yellow markings. The favorite of the species is the black Koi Kumonryu who first made an appearance in the1980 done.
Koi, facing Unlike most other fish will continue to grow until their breeds dictated the action, whatever the environment they are in. Baby Koi can be as small as 3 inches to reach. Jumbo Koi have been known even to a length of three feet or more to achieve. The typical size is about two feet long.
Koi are not aggressive fish. In other words, they are adapted to live together with other fish such as goldfish or comets. One possible problem that you can determine is sized smaller, less capable of suffering from a lack of food such as fish koi are fast eaters. Koi are so peaceful that it is even known to eat with their hands formed the owners. Koi have no teeth, so you do not bite if you try to feed your Koi can choose to hand.
Koi carp are characterized by their long life and vibrant colors. Koi has been shown that nearly 30 years in good conditions to survive, so if you are considering buying Koi, you must think. Most of the oldest Koi Koi is a Japanese, which was 233 years old when he died instead.


Kohaku is a type or variety of the most popular koi koi among other varieties, even disenut well as the "queen koi". Almost certainly every koi hobbyist has a Kohaku koi this type, generally the koi hobbyists initially selecting Koi Kohaku as the first, and then choose other types, and finally back again kejenis Kohaku.

The origins of Kohaku

Kohaku word comes from two kanji that is aka (ko) which means red and shiro (Haku), which means white. So all white based koi with red patterns on its body called Kohaku. The general pattern of Kohaku resemble stone the footrests and a few others are patterned.

To get the pla Kohaku as now required the evolution of many years. Started in 1800 of "Hoo-Kazuki" born a white koi. This white koi higoi then mated with a red koi. This marriage produced Haraka is white koi with red spots. Haraka itself means red-bellied koi. There is also another theory that says that the ancestors of Kohaku is Magoi Asagi with red pattern on the abdomen and the left-right in the evolutionary process further selected only the red color in the back and the color blue or black masks. And in the end produce a koi with red and white pattern like a Kohaku koi today.

Koi Kohaku KohakuKoi

In 1830 the birth Koi Sarasa Gosuke Kunizo dipijahkan by Hiroi, this is first koi with white scales in which the basic white pattern on its back. Koi are believed to be the direct ancestor of today's modern Kohaku koi. Sarasa mean similar patterns of birds and flowers that are on fabric clothing of Japan. New in 1890 is the perfect Kohaku koi types like this can dipijahkan consistently and stable or can be called sustainable.

Type Type KohakuVarietas Kohaku

Since that time a very modern selective breeding has produced several variants are known as Tomoin (1930) and Yagozen (1940), and followed by a variant kemudan Buheite, Sankuro, Manzo and Sensuke. The names of the variants was formerly very well known even though some of them no longer exist, for example Tomoin variants that have been extinct.

Koi Anatomics

The devotion of countless generations of Japanese koi fish, farmers today gave us koi, with over 100 species and varieties of color and unique style, some more preferable in comparison to others.
The intrinsic properties of the koi, as owners, breeders and enthusiasts will appreciate are determined by a complex set of anatomical and ecological variables. Anatomy (inherited) the structure of a fish is called genotype. The remarkable physical properties are known collectively as the phenotype. Until not so long ago, limited information on the genes of koi and not generally available to farmers koi fish. In the early years of koi breeding, farmers were forced to rely on traditions and generate pure intuition and correct their lines. Chance also played a role.
Koi farmers today have full access to scientific studies. The study of genes typically include an understanding of the tangible qualities of the offspring. Using standard methods, it usually takes 20 generations of dedicated, well-planned, targeted increase, so that you can create the desired properties of the characters in Koi carp. The final results should be carefully documented and that unfortunately is a practice accompanied by very little, if any, to the old koi fish farmers.
Scientific studies of genes has been slow due to koi koi takes about 2 to 3 years to mature. Carp are in a much faster time is ripe, but breeders have inadvertently affected by the speed koi fish at maturity or by reproducing a body to review the situation improved, big, show excellent fish slow to create. She had never seen a female gonads develop at the age of 1 year.
In recent developments in analytical techniques for genome research have accelerated anatomical study. These methods have been studied specifically for the year 2001 in the anatomical variability of the Niigata koi Yamakoshi warehouse area where a relatively high mortality rate was noted in the larval stage used. Obtained from all the major Koi fish farmers in the region and discussed. Research has found that not only was there minimal anatomical variability in the population of Niigata, but the anatomical area in Kohaku, Sanke and Showa was small, which means that these preferred types from a small founder population.
Over time, this may undermine the status of stocks of Koi Niigata, due to the fact that inbreeding leads to loss of heterozygosity (diversity in the genes). Considering that Niigata is the source of fish for large parent koi producers on the planet, it is crucial that the gene pool remains strong. Koi breeders often try to adapt the genome (heredity, anatomical features of an organism) to reproduce high quality koi on their own values ​​and sense of appreciation. This may mean a much better selective growth for reproduction and conformation of the body or skin color has increased and the quality grounds. You can also try to environmental elements, such as pond water temperatures, much more than can be reached to verify the ideal fish production for the industry.
Routines calculated eat koi fish owner, however, try the phenotype (physical characteristics) just by the brain environment breathtaking and the pond of the introduction of more and more what color boosters. It should be remembered, however, that is not available to start the properties of a koi fish, which has poor anatomical material to increase. However, it is easy, simply warning to clear a small koi fish that has great potential anatomical.
Recent trends between anatomical manipulation was to create new types, such as "green" and "violet" koi. "Green" or Midorigoi Koi were first bred in the sixties as a submanifold of Kawarimono and attempts are still ongoing, a green strain, which are often regularly attend races like the green with black n time is not generated.
In a similar sense, the search for a purple-colored koi that have been held for more than twenty-five years, breeders Yoshu Hirado, Chiba Prefecture create Shiryu (purple) and Shiryu-Shigure (witness marks a purple-brown due) from crosses of Doitsu, Ogon and Showa.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Buying the first koi

Even before you get your personal koi, you will be faced with the decision on where to find your fish. Fortunately for you, koi have a new found level of popularity it is not owned in the past. For this reason, you have many options available.
Koi Fish can be in many retail stores, the family dog, retailers and garden centers more are purchased. And this, together with the more traditional shops as well as individual farmers and farms koi. Be careful when you make your decision. You should not be afraid to ask for recommendations. Ask lots of questions and, if possible, to go to the retailer or supplier before you actually make the purchase.
Whatever you choose, never in a hurry. I know you want to buy just about anything right this moment as a koi and place it in your aquarium brand new. However, as you continue with this hobby, you'll quickly the importance of taking time. Looking for a good and reliable seller, and then begin to understand what you want koi specific. The person that you get from your Koi will become your cherished friend. He / she will not only useful, but will also give you tips to raise your fish when they carried him home.
Collection of koi
Their primary concern, certainly, probably is your price range. In the same way koi available in many colors and sizes, but also come in different price ranges.
So you choose, you must go to a tightrope of all kinds. You do not want a "deal" to get your koi with the purchase of your fish from a friend of a friend has. .. Well, you get the idea. However, if you charge for the hobby and your pond is brand new, too expensive and you do not pay a fortune too.
After all, what happens if there is a problem with the pond do you find that you have? If you put all your Koi in a pond, only to find a big problem, you have a terribly real chance of losing your entire stock of new ones.
But in the end, you're the only person who choose to pay what the "real" money.
Exactly at what age should my koi?
It's a question without end between those who appreciate Koi: How old should your fish as you buy it? Provide professional and knowledgeable fans on it, you should buy adult fish, and never really children.
These people say that if you buy a young koi, you will never really confident about the future quality of the marking. As the koi grows old, it may reduce markers. As they usually explain the marks may increase over time. Where is that young fish go? Only time can tell.
To take in the selection of these beautiful fish for your aquarium or pond, given the improved health of the individual Koi. Check the fish for almost all indicators of infectious and parasitic diseases.
In general, however, you try to end the dark corners of the fins, scales, or scales, which rose again to find, but not very good, and curved rays. You want to ensure that the koi you finally choose clear curvature of the spine and problems with eyes.
Questions for each breeder
Once you are happy, healthy fish, it's time for you, the breeder or pet store employees, some ask questions. Learn about the background of the fish they sell. How long have they had? Right after you first took over the fish, they dip and quarantine of fish than recommended? Also inquire about any other fish they may have in the same tank system. Check your well-being.
If you are focused on a particular fish, many breeders you can see them "up close and personal." They will fish in a container rather than shiny, so you can check them thoroughly. If a breeder offers, you must accept.
One mistake you should never do
In any case, always move the koi right out of the water in the air with a net. The damage caused by this movement is made, is likely to hurt or injure fish. As an alternative edge gently into a bowl-shaped pan, which is currently immersed in water in the system. Especially if the fish is too big and when it comes to managing the individual experienced enough, then the fish can be removed from the system by hand. However, these are two big "if." It is certainly better than cure.
While you keep the fish close to you, carefully and deliberately to investigate the tissue. Touch it. It must feel really strong and the body should be symmetrical. And yes, the Koi should still feel a little sticky.
You do not want a fish that is too dry or the one who has a lot of mucus in the hangar. Each of these diseases could also be the result of substandard be H2O. And then you see the fish to socialize, but exactly what you're looking for? First you must understand that Koi are very social animals. If you've never actually owned the fish, you will probably find it very hard to believe. In fact, I know I'm so early. But do you think about: Nearly all fish swim in groups. They are first looking for a social (not to be confused with a party animal can be mixed!). If you are fascinated by, but he gives himself a loner, if you want, you might like to have another

Selecting the Right Koi

The success of your pond fish has much to do where they come from. As always, we recommend buying your koi from your local breeder rather than buying from a pet store or a national chain. Koi come from a national chain generally support hundreds if not thousands of miles of travel before reaching their destination. In addition, the fishes of national chains for many diseases and bacteria exposed to attack the immune system low potential. In addition, the national chain koi usually are not fed or persecuted for growth.
If you are wondering what type of koi you should buy, then you should have an open mind. There are many classifications, with most of them classified by their colors. To complicate matters further, most classifications scale (Gin Rin) and scale (Doitsu) version. Remember, the butterfly koi are beautiful, but many real koi breeders do not take this course. Butterly of inter-crossing with koi carp and Indonesian lack of standard features developed for the evaluation.
Should be buying any version of yourself, there are some features you look at the hardy fish healthy. You will also have to consider your budget, because the costs of koi can run into thousands of dollars.
The first thing the fish will look at you outgoing and swim with other fish. Of course, koi are shy, but the most active healthy koi swim with other fish and not one of them to stay. You also need to choose those who linger near the surface of the water that you therefore you do not get shy fish in the group! In addition, the Koi swim peacefully and quietly. If it twitches or kicks when it swims, it swims or if unequally, they can swim bladder problems (for bacterial infection).
Secondly, if you think you have a good fish to carefully consider their gills. Koi breathe by gills, gill flukes infected with one or redness around their gills. If you see any of these signs, do not buy these fish, and certainly not one to buy the lot of fish! If you koi in the group has gills and they all to the gills.
Then you should look at your body koi. His body was set thick, slightly conical and well. The scales of Koi should be flat and without visible lesions. The fins of koi can be some minor damage, if it had been recently promoted or held in a crowded environment. This is acceptable as long as the minor and there is no redness.
When buying koi, koi remember changes color when it ripens. You can buy a Koi with orange and black coloring strong, and in a few months, you can have a red and orange. To avoid this, you can buy koi mature, but you will pay much more money. Another way to avoid this is it, from a breeder who want the kind you buy to buy koi breeds. Note that this is the most expensive to buy new shares, but well worth the money if you want some

Koi Gardens

Koi gardens are a simple way to bring beauty and tranquility of your home. It may be one of the best additions we can add to our company as well. Imagine sitting by a quiet pool of shimmering water, filled with beautiful colorful fish of all sizes. Listen to the trickle of water as it splashes a little on the rocks at the bottom of a waterfall enjoyable.
Considered one of pond fish freshwater most popular Koi can be found gracing the waters of millions of ponds, inside or outside, anywhere in the world. Koi are not only loved for their variety of colors, but also for the longevity of their lives. They have become valuable to the amateur and professional guardians koi care. Koi are the ideal choice for most types of water features.
Unlike most domesticated fish, koi tend to be very social. They enjoy each others company and, although they are not a fish swimming in schools, they tend to travel in small groups, both with a koi pond mate and other fish in the pond that are similar in size. They can be taught to follow their guard on the sides of the pond and feed from his hand. They are attached to a trusted caregiver and sometimes preform tricks such as jumping from the water, on the mark.
There are millions of ponds around the world that contain koi. They give thanks for homes, businesses, schools, theme parks, water parks ... even Epcot Center at Disney World maintains the gardens koi on display.
When planning a koi fish pond, it is best to keep in mind the size of the pond compared to the size of small fish that you buy in a pet shop, will grow by some years. Koi can grow to several feet long, so it is important to have them in a pond of 500 gallons or more. If you start your small koi in an aquarium, monitor closely and be ready to build, buy, or find a pond to suit your growing fish.
Koi and goldfish are often compared to the beauty and color and come from the same species. The major difference is the size of adult fish. Adult koi are much larger and adult goldfish. Koi are much more expensive, because of their longevity, size and markings.
The health and well-being of koi is directly related to the quality of the water in which they live. The greater the volume of the pond as koi diluted waste water chemistry and the products become healthy is favorable to fish. Koi care is to monitor pH levels and levels of dissolved ammonia with the pond.
The water temperature in the basin is so important that it should not freeze solid Koi are cold water fish and are the healthiest in water with a temperature between 61 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. However, since these temperatures does not mean that your koi can not live in colder waters. It is a fact that koi grow in water just above the freezing temperature. Means that the koi in the pond can stay out if it is deep enough that it does not freeze completely to the bottom.
Koi gardens, koi ponds and even aquarium can be very relaxing to the sounds of lapping water flowing through the air, but it is not complete without a gorgeous ornamental fish like koi. Koi owners consider themselves lucky to be able to have these wonderful fish play affect their lives and brighten up their worlds.

Koi Colors History

Did you know that the reference was to the colors of koi as far as 316 AD, made under the Western Chin Dynasty? This is the time of this beautifully colored fish are written about it ... It's amazing, really!
Just behind the colors of the koi that were documented included black, blue, white and red ... Sun colored koi are not new - it's just that they have perfected the art of selective breeding.
But it was not until the 17th century, the true-breeding koi in the Japanese prefecture of Niigata region has begun, and it was the Japanese who took the time to master the art of selective breeding. Careful trial and error, they were the master of selective breeding koi, and they still lead the world today.
So if you seriously want a firm agreement on koi carp, various species and their diversity of color to win then you really need to learn some Japanese terms to get a handle on the true meaning of things.
Some of these concepts will be explained later in this article, but now look look a little more to the story koi.
So ... Going back to the 17th century ... Niigata Prefecture This is where the farmers should be noted that sometimes the offspring would be gray carp with various colors and markings have begun. This led to the fishery and their results showed a number of koi with different patterns and color they use to continue until 19 century in the study.
In the 19 century, there were many koi breeders in Japan and now it was created many new colors koi. Koi have become incredibly popular, and were affectionately known as "the fish of the nobility," but they were still only really known in the region of Niigata in Japan.
However, all that in 1914 took place when a "Koi Expo" in Tokyo with some of the changes the most brightly colored koi in Niigata for the first time.
The exhibition has triggered a "koi crazy" and some of the finest fish were good at the Prince Hirohito. The Prince and the people have been through the colors breathtaking and beautiful Koi that soon the whole country was talking about this "new discovery" fish species, and needless to say, took the popular koi suddenly began to spread the world.
From there, the best pedigree breeders were well established and is now even more beautiful and colorful varieties of koi in a mix of old farming methods and to develop modern genetics.
This is mainly due to farming out carefully documented the Japanese for nearly three centuries the world will enjoy the beautiful colors and varieties of koi today.
Some of the most important types of koi and descriptions of

* Asagi - light blue red top to bottom
* Bekko - red, white or yellow with black spots
* Butterfly Koi - long fins and tail
* Doitsu Goi - German carp various
* Ghost koi - koi Offspring of wild and ornamental koi solid color.
* Goshiki - black with white, red, brown and light blue pattern
* Hikari Moyomono - Two colors, one of which is metallic paint
* Jinmengyo - unusual koi face much like a mammal
* Kawarimono - This is a mixed breed koi
* Kin Gin Rin - Looks shiny and metallic
* Kohaku - white and red - a very popular fish
* Koromo - Ordered that the scales are blue on the edges
* Ogon - monochrome
* Showa Sanshoku / Showa - Black with red and white
* Shusui - Asagi koi with some of its distance scales
* Taisho Sanke or Sanshoku * - white with red and black
* Tancho - Circle on the head, usually red, but can be other colors
* Utsurimono - black with red or white or yellow

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