Saturday, November 5, 2011

Types and Varieties

Is it any wonder that more and more to see the world in the underwater world of Koi draw?

After the historical growth of popularity in the early 20th century, from its humble beginnings as a humble food in China is a fascinating object of beauty in Japan, the Koi a special place in the heart of many because of its growing established range of colors, patterns and scaling.

These days, what was once a fish with a limited selection, the world has become a precious commodity, by an explosion in livestock growing and breeding programs. These breeding programs have some samples of koi most beautiful and spectacular product ever seen.

If the magic of koi first catches your interest, you should have a basic understanding of Japanese koi to win the jargon of the 13 classes of koi that have established over the years to enjoy. Each of these classes (and subclasses) Japanese nomenclature used to define the characteristics of the koi.

In the simplest terms, there are three essential characteristics, including color and color pattern, scale and brightness. The long-term attractiveness of the koi is that everyone is unique - no two are alike. It can be colored koi and koi with subtle, soft sounds. Here you can find koi covered from head to foot with scales and other scaleless. There are koi that are metal, with or without gas, or dull and koi, the. Monochrome or multicolor

For fans, the most important points must be included:
In the early days it was just one or two colors - colors and patterns. With the passage of time and extensive farming, there are now a variety of colors to choose from, and while the colors are usually also shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, ivory, black and gray there are additional features of the structure and the color combination. For example, the solid foundation of color have one or more brands of different color. These labels can be spread over the greater part of the body or develop on a single body part. On the other hand, could the color of a fish with no marks at all. The possibilities are incredible!

Non-metallic koi - are grouped on the basis of their base color. These groups are then broken down according to their accent colors and features. Identification of each color, style and function has a Japanese name. So everybody has the names of varieties of koi can be composed of several parts, to specify one of these properties.

Metallic Koi - are grouped according to the reflexive nature of their scales. Metallic Koi are also known as Hikari koi from the Japanese word "Hikari" indicates "Shiny" identified. These koi are further divided into three groups on the Hikari Muji (mono-color and glossy), the Utsuri Hikari (lights and shiny) and Hikari Moyo (platinum with brilliant red or yellow) divided.

Types of scale
Doitsu refers to koi leather skin and scales, or concerning the mirror koi-scale, which scales much larger on each side. Doitsu can appear both metallic and non metallic koi, but they are very rare. "Doitsu" comes from the Japanese word for "German" after the German carp.

Koi KinGinRin refers to those with highly reflective scales. These scales focus are very popular and have been raised in many varieties of koi. Position of these scales can be divided into the Kinrin Koi (gold), where the balance of a basic color red, or Ginrin (silver), where the scales are on a base color white or black.

Classes of Koi
In the category Metal Koi, there are 9 main categories and the non-metallic, there are only three, but within each class, there are often many subclasses.

Classes of non-metallic koi include:

Asagi - a stomach with blue back red / blue white scales on the trailing edges, which are to produce a net present / red cheeks and pectoral fins and the head is blue and white

Bekko - opposite the Bekko Utsuri has a solid base color red, white or yellow with black spots (sumi). The head of a Bekko must always be clean, unmarked Sumi.

Kawarimono - Includes all varieties that are not able to be classified in one of the standard types of koi

Kohaku - the most popular varieties of Koi is a two-tone, non-metallic koi with white base color with red (hi) markings crowned evenly distributed over the body, but not the key, not the fin or tail

Koromo - literally means "dressed" or "dressed". The Koromo is a cross between Asagi and Kohaku koi. He has a foundation of pure white with the network scale Asagi only notable difference in the red, textured surfaces

Sanke - a white base color uniformly red (hello) and black (sumi) distribution model through the body.

Showa - the base color black with red and white marks. The early Showa had more red than black and white, but more recently, increased quantities of white, making it difficult to differentiate from Sanke. Unlike the Sanke, Showa, plus a black pattern on its head.

Tancho - Tancho crane after the only ones with a red spot on his head was above named, is the class of up Tancho Koi varieties Kohaku, Sanke and Showa, which also sports a well-placed red (hello) on his head.

Metallic Koi classes include:

Hikari Muji - the koi are a solid metallic color. There are two sub-groups Matsuba, the color of gold, silver, gray or orange with a pattern of pine cones. The other subgroup is the Ogon, once solid, metallic colors, or gold, silver (platinum), orange or red and white, but the model pine cone. The Ogon red and white metal is basically a form of Kohaku.

Hikari Utsuri - version Utsuri metal or Showa - that is, metallic red, black and white.

Hikari Moyo - colorful koi plate, with red or yellow.


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